The temps have been below zero for months, and the whitetail season is over. What’s a Minnesota girl to do?? Well, I flew south and put my sights on a new target…Texas hogs. This was my first trip in search of hogs and I had no idea what I was in for!
Naturally I arrived in Houston extremely late and got a little bit lost heading to the ranch. I slept fast and within a few very short hours the alarm was buzzing. I was really hoping these hogs slept until noon; however that was not the case. I gathered my gear, an energy drink, my encore pistol and I was off to the races.
The morning didn’t start perfect…not one bit. Forty minutes later we arrived at the ranch we’d be hunting and I realized I forgot the keys to my gun case. True Story. Luckily one of the guys had a saw in his truck so the locks were dismembered rather quickly. Not an ideal start but nothing ever seems to go perfect.
The first shocker was how many hogs there were! The second shock was the variety of colors and sizes! I didn’t know I would have to make so many decisions this early in the morning. I decided to forget about colors for now and went for the biggest hog in the group. I took a deep breath and squeezed off a shot at the big black hog. He dropped in his tracks and the other scattered! I was so relived to make a great shot and to do it with a handgun! My dad always jokes around that I’m a better shot at 50-yards with my bow than with my handgun…but all the practice finally paid off!
Handguns are not something you can pick up today and go use in a hunting situation tomorrow. They take a lot of time, practice, and ultimately you need the confidence in yourself. I didn’t want to go after a big game animal right off the bat with my .7mm-08 so I started with hogs and it turned out to be the perfect first hunt.
Hogs are a tough animal and can be extremely difficult to kill with a bow. If you hit them in the front shoulder you rarely find your hog, so I waited for a quartering-away shot and double lunged this spotted hog! It only went 40 yards and made for a perfect ending to my hunt. Well, it wasn’t quite over yet. It just happened to be super-bowl Sunday so we all enjoyed back straps on the grille. I couldn’t have been more proud to provide excellent food for everyone at the party.
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